Tsubasa to Hotaru (2016)
The story revolves around Tsubasa Sonokawa, a 15-year old high school girl who fell in love with her upperclassman when he saved her after she fainted at the train station from anemia. She thought it was a meeting of fate, and visited him at his class every day. However, he told her that her feelings were "heavy," and he dumped her. She once again meets a boy after taking over her friend Yuri's job as boy's basketball team manager. She learns that she might have more of a connection with this boy named Aki than she first thought...
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Tsubasa to Hotaru (2016), SUB online. You can also watch Tsubasa to Hotaru (2016) in HD or SD quality.
The story revolves around Tsubasa Sonokawa, a 15-year old high school girl who fell in love with her upperclassman when he saved her after she fainted at the train station from anemia. She thought it was a meeting of fate, and visited him at his class every day. However, he told her that her feelings were "heavy," and he dumped her. She once again meets a boy after taking over her friend Yuri's job as boy's basketball team manager. She learns that she might have more of a connection with this boy named Aki than she first thought...
Ribon x Oha Suta Specials, つばさとホタル
3 / 3
Last Added:
2022-06-01 15:23:54
Release Year:
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Tsubasa to Hotaru (2016), SUB online. You can also watch Tsubasa to Hotaru (2016) in HD or SD quality.