Ring of Gundam

The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world setting, a giant 600-kilometer-wide ring now floats in lunar orbit. An Earth Federation Forces member named Eiji discovers an object called "Beauty Memory" buried in a high-altitude, massive rockbed on Earth.
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Ring of Gundam, SUB online. You can also watch Ring of Gundam in HD or SD quality.
The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world setting, a giant 600-kilometer-wide ring now floats in lunar orbit. An Earth Federation Forces member named Eiji discovers an object called "Beauty Memory" buried in a high-altitude, massive rockbed on Earth.
Synonyms: リング オブ ガンダム
Episodes: 1 / 1
Last Added: 2020-05-18 09:53:57
Release Year: 2009
Type: Special
Status: Completed
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Ring of Gundam, SUB online. You can also watch Ring of Gundam in HD or SD quality.

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