Persona 4: The Animation
Persona 4: The Animation is a television anime adaptation of the game Persona 4 made by AIC ASTA. and is overseen by Aniplex. It uses the same characters and setting as its inspiration. Additionally, Shigenori Soejima and Shoji Meguro, the original’s art director and composer, respectively, are said to return in their former roles.
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Persona 4: The Animation, SUB online. You can also watch Persona 4: The Animation in HD or SD quality.
Persona 4: The Animation is a television anime adaptation of the game Persona 4 made by AIC ASTA. and is overseen by Aniplex. It uses the same characters and setting as its inspiration. Additionally, Shigenori Soejima and Shoji Meguro, the original’s art director and composer, respectively, are said to return in their former roles.
26 / 26
Last Added:
2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year:
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Persona 4: The Animation, SUB online. You can also watch Persona 4: The Animation in HD or SD quality.