The story centres around Kurashita Tsukimi, a huge fan of jellyfish, who transfers to Tokyo to become an illustrator. She moves into Amamizukan, an apartment complex that is full of fujoshi with a no-men-allowed rule. However, one day, Tsukimi invites a stylishly fashionable woman to stay at her room at Amamizukan — only to discover that the guest is not who she seems to be.
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Kuragehime, SUB online. You can also watch Kuragehime in HD or SD quality.
The story centres around Kurashita Tsukimi, a huge fan of jellyfish, who transfers to Tokyo to become an illustrator. She moves into Amamizukan, an apartment complex that is full of fujoshi with a no-men-allowed rule. However, one day, Tsukimi invites a stylishly fashionable woman to stay at her room at Amamizukan — only to discover that the guest is not who she seems to be.
Princess Jellyfish, 海月姫, Kuragehime
11 / 11
Last Added:
2010-01-01 01:00:00
Release Year:
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Kuragehime, SUB online. You can also watch Kuragehime in HD or SD quality.