Iron Man: Armored Adventures

TV Series
The series follows the adventures of teenage child prodigy Tony Stark, and his alter ego of Iron Man, as he uses his technological inventions to stop villains such as Mandarin, Mr. Fix, and Iron Monger. His friends, Jim ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes and Pepper Potts help him on his courageous, and dangerous adventures.
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Iron Man: Armored Adventures, SUB online. You can also watch Iron Man: Armored Adventures in HD or SD quality.
The series follows the adventures of teenage child prodigy Tony Stark, and his alter ego of Iron Man, as he uses his technological inventions to stop villains such as Mandarin, Mr. Fix, and Iron Monger. His friends, Jim ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes and Pepper Potts help him on his courageous, and dangerous adventures.
Synonyms: N/A
Episodes: 52 / 52
Last Added: 2015-01-20 19:31:48
Release Year: 2010
Type: TV Series
Status: Completed
Shanks is a great site to watch anime Iron Man: Armored Adventures, SUB online. You can also watch Iron Man: Armored Adventures in HD or SD quality.

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